Lately I have this feeling that not only individuals dont really exists in our society, they have stopped existing in Indian cinema also. All movies now exists boldly in fantasy of dumbest kind. An innocent viewer might feel that perhaps its a parody that makes fun of its character .. but its not .. we are in a world.. where we write dumb character and in order to sincerely enjoy them .. everyone else intentionally becomes dumb while watching it... and the movie becomes real worldly!
An individual with personal/internal world is an alien concept for our filmmakers... it seems increasingly clear that perhaps we are living in the worst phase of Indian cinema.
Last set of movies that can still be called as such that I remember were around Ankhon Dekhi, perhaps ..
Your insane ability to connect Wim Wender's attire to Haryanvi roots about a filmmaker who has no interest in being bounded by his country's traditional roots is just crazy 🤣
The first paragraph is like a colourful entry gate to a museum or an overture to a classical piece. Come for the jokes, stay for the wisdom :D Tau vs Tao is something many people have noticed over the years but I haven’t seen this pun well utilized in a good joke until today :D
Thanks for sharing your experience of the event, I felt like I was there!
Your paragraph about ‘cinema stops being cinema’ reminded me of Macquarie Dictionary’s Word of the year for 2024; Enshittification, coined by the Writer Cory Doctorow. If you are unaware of it, you might find it interesting.
Here’s an excerpt from the Wikipedia page titled, Enshittification:
Doctorow argues that new platforms offer useful products and services at a loss, as a way to gain new users. Once users are locked in, the platform then offers access to the userbase to suppliers at a loss; once suppliers are locked in, the platform shifts surpluses to shareholders. Once the platform is fundamentally focused on the shareholders, and the users and vendors are locked in, the platform no longer has any incentive to maintain quality. Enshittified platforms that act as intermediaries can act as both a monopoly on services and a monopsony on customers, as high switching costs prevent either from leaving even when alternatives technically exist. Doctorow has described the process of enshittification as happening through "twiddling": the continual adjustment of the parameters of the system in search of marginal improvements of profits, without regard to any other goal.
I constantly wrestle with cultural baggage—whether to preserve it or move forward with the times. Is there pride in maintaining ancestral practices that may have simply been survival strategies? Wim Wenders’ perspective aligns with my parents, who aren’t staunch defenders of tradition. I wonder if his children are as rebellious as I am, driven to explore German culture and cinema as a result.
Wonderfully written Anurag. Loved these two bits - one by you and one by Wenders.
"Every day, they fill the park, refining their moves to achieve the state of virality—the only form of spirituality that truly matters in the digital age"
"He had no interest in being bound by his nation’s tradition and roots. In fact, he found parts of German history repulsive. He recalled a childhood teacher who had a mustache suspiciously similar to Hitler’s and later realized how much that resemblance extended beyond the face. Cultural pride, he suggested, was optional"
Lately I have this feeling that not only individuals dont really exists in our society, they have stopped existing in Indian cinema also. All movies now exists boldly in fantasy of dumbest kind. An innocent viewer might feel that perhaps its a parody that makes fun of its character .. but its not .. we are in a world.. where we write dumb character and in order to sincerely enjoy them .. everyone else intentionally becomes dumb while watching it... and the movie becomes real worldly!
An individual with personal/internal world is an alien concept for our filmmakers... it seems increasingly clear that perhaps we are living in the worst phase of Indian cinema.
Last set of movies that can still be called as such that I remember were around Ankhon Dekhi, perhaps ..
Your insane ability to connect Wim Wender's attire to Haryanvi roots about a filmmaker who has no interest in being bounded by his country's traditional roots is just crazy 🤣
The first paragraph is like a colourful entry gate to a museum or an overture to a classical piece. Come for the jokes, stay for the wisdom :D Tau vs Tao is something many people have noticed over the years but I haven’t seen this pun well utilized in a good joke until today :D
Beautifully written as always Anurag 😀
Those 10 seconds of silence before he answered each question were so telling about the man and his deeply ruminative fims.
Thanks for sharing your experience of the event, I felt like I was there!
Your paragraph about ‘cinema stops being cinema’ reminded me of Macquarie Dictionary’s Word of the year for 2024; Enshittification, coined by the Writer Cory Doctorow. If you are unaware of it, you might find it interesting.
Here’s an excerpt from the Wikipedia page titled, Enshittification:
Doctorow argues that new platforms offer useful products and services at a loss, as a way to gain new users. Once users are locked in, the platform then offers access to the userbase to suppliers at a loss; once suppliers are locked in, the platform shifts surpluses to shareholders. Once the platform is fundamentally focused on the shareholders, and the users and vendors are locked in, the platform no longer has any incentive to maintain quality. Enshittified platforms that act as intermediaries can act as both a monopoly on services and a monopsony on customers, as high switching costs prevent either from leaving even when alternatives technically exist. Doctorow has described the process of enshittification as happening through "twiddling": the continual adjustment of the parameters of the system in search of marginal improvements of profits, without regard to any other goal.
True Cinephile : one who enjoys both Perfect Days and Tandoori Days , you killed it
One of the best articles I have read. I wish to write like this one day
I constantly wrestle with cultural baggage—whether to preserve it or move forward with the times. Is there pride in maintaining ancestral practices that may have simply been survival strategies? Wim Wenders’ perspective aligns with my parents, who aren’t staunch defenders of tradition. I wonder if his children are as rebellious as I am, driven to explore German culture and cinema as a result.
Really wanted to be there. Couldn't. Thanks for sharing.
Wonderfully written Anurag. Loved these two bits - one by you and one by Wenders.
"Every day, they fill the park, refining their moves to achieve the state of virality—the only form of spirituality that truly matters in the digital age"
"He had no interest in being bound by his nation’s tradition and roots. In fact, he found parts of German history repulsive. He recalled a childhood teacher who had a mustache suspiciously similar to Hitler’s and later realized how much that resemblance extended beyond the face. Cultural pride, he suggested, was optional"
Thanks, Vineet.
I was there yesterday! Missed the chance of meeting you 😔
Attending the screenings this Sunday. Wahan mil lena :)